
Please be sure to complete each of the following to finish with Growth Track:

Watch Video
Complete Dream Team Application
Schedule 1 on 1

Welcome to stepFOUR of the Growth Track! You made it to the end, congratulations. If you still need to complete a different step please go back and finish up before beginning step four. In this course you will be able to connect to the opportunities available at CLC to live out your purpose and serve others by using your God-given gifts.

stepFOUR includes a one on one meeting with a CLC Leader. The purpose of this conversation is for you to be able to ask any questions regarding previous steps, including your spiritual gifts or personality profile results. This time together also gives us the opportunity to get to know you a little better, to learn about your history, your passions, and where you are in your relationship with God so we can help you take your next step at CLC.

Once you have completed the short video from Pastor Jerry please complete the Dream Team application form as well as schedule the best time for your one on one.

**Do to the current Covid-19 pandemic this one on one will be conducted via video call.


stepFOUR Downloads